We are always looking for partnerships with organizations, corporations and even government agencies. If you think that your organization would be interested in hosting a cancer talk or you would like to explore partnership ideas, you can contact us.

Ideas For Partnerships

Cancer Awareness Talks / Webinars

Part of SCAN’s mission is to increase cancer awareness amongst the community. We would like to bring this to your organization and increase your staff’s knowledge on cancer and cancer issues.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Projects

Consider contributing through a Corporate Social Responsibility project. We can be part of your brainstorming process, to create relevant & impactful programmes.

Corporate Sponsorships

The success of our activities depends very much on the availability support, financially or through the provision of products or services. If our cause and effort have resonated with you and your organization, please consider sponsorship of our organization as a whole or for specific projects.

Partners We Have Worked With